So, end of the summer news - the of course the big news is Jay is home! Gary picked him up at the airport at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. It's great to have him home! There is a big event in Digby on Labor Day weekend - the Wharf Rat Rally. On Sunday Gary and Jay ventured into Digby to have a look. As you can see - thousands of bikes!

. . . and more bikes! They close 'downtown' Digby to vehicle traffic, allowing bikes to park on each side of the street and down the middle. Then the bikes drive up and down between the rows. All weekend long all you can hear is motorcyle traffic.

. . . and more bikes! Just about every accommodation between Brier Island and Kentville is full of Wharf Rat attendees. This year we had 5 of our cottages booked out to bikers. Instead of our usual Mom, Dad, couple of kids and a minivan, we had couples and 3 or 4 bikes at each cottage. It was really neat and they were all so nice!

One of the impressive rigs at the rally.

A jet ski demonstration at the rally.

More jet ski.

Some of the boats at the Digby marina.

Well summer is over - we finished August with 100% occupancy - yeah!! It's kind of a bitter sweet time - in a way we're happy its over - being so busy every day, but you get so used to the routine that it takes a while to adjust to not being 'ON' 24/7. We do have quite a busy September lined up so far, but it's very different with the seniors and no kids. Aaron starts school on Wednesday - I can't believe my little NBGB is growing up so fast! I guess its time to plan my fall decorating project - I'm thinking Jay's room (Brenton's old bedroom) is going to be my target this time. I'm a little tired of the lime green and black - yup - I'll be sure and take some 'before' photos of that!