On to an update on Lexi, who is 9 days old now and such a cutie but such a trial to us! She is so lively and spunky but she doesn't want to eat! We have been bottle and tube feeding her as she doesn't seem to be able to latch on to Momma (vet confirmed mamma's udders are way to big for our little preemie!), but Lexi fights us at every feed. It's unbelieveable how strong a little goat that is less than 3 lbs can be. It takes 2 of us to feed her and 3 if Brenton is around to refill the tube. We have had our lactation consultant in (friend Karen who is the retired 'baby' nurse) and have tried every trick in the book and multiple types of nipples - preemie nipples, silicone nipples, playtex 'easy latch' nipples - all to no avail. We rub the roof of her mouth to stimulate the sucking reflex - and she can suck - just doesn't want to! Ugh! Sprocket was so different - he wasn't very old before he would hear the microwave and get excited or if we would say, 'Do you want your baba Sprocket?' and he would run to his feeding spot on the couch. Maybe its because she is a preemie - not sure. Anyway, she started off weighing 2 1/2 lbs, and we had her up to just over 3 lbs yesterday, with a little slide back to 2 lbs 14 oz this am.
Lexi in the kitchen - we are amazed that she doesn't hold a grudge about us forcing her to eat. As soon as were're finished, she's happy as a clam and running around again.
Lexi checking out Pip - he's 3 times her size!