Friend Manfred rented this little digger to do some work on his property and we have two Linden trees that we want to move next year, so Manfred brought the little digger over to dig around the trees. Apparently, if you dig around them and fill in with sand and leave them for a year, they have more of a chance of doing well when moved. We'll see . . . . . Here Gary gets a turn with the digger - what fun!

Manfred digging. I think the bunnies could have done the job with a little instruction of where to dig. There are tunnels around the foundation of our house thanks to the avid diggers!

Sprocket is now a barn goat but still enjoys his bottle - just water now. We're trying to get him to drink out of a bucket - no luck yet! Lexi waits for her turn.

Lexi has had an amazing turn around. In my last post we were so frustrated trying to feed her and then on Tuesday, she decided she would take the bottle - no problem. Our vet told us that sometimes the preemies don't do real well until they get to, or close to, their real birth date. So it looks like Lexi was at least 2 weeks premature, or more. On Saturday morning, she wouldn't take her bottle and we wondered, could she be nursing from Mama? I went out a little later and sure enough, she was happily nursing from her Mama! Yeah!!! What a victory!

Gary's brother Eddie holding Gizmo, Sprockets twin brother. He's quite a bit bigger than Sprocket - you can't really tell from the pics, but trust me, he's much heavier! Ah, life on the farm!