Saturday, February 25, 2006

Go west young man!

How quick they grow up! Seems like this was just yesterday, not almost 25 years ago. On Tuesday we take Jason to the airport to head off to Calgary and a good job with SuperStore. I'm of mixed feelings about this - happy because I think it's a great opportunity and experience and sad because it's so far away. Only 5 hours you might say, however, for someone who is not fond of flying, that's quite a distance! Jason ask if I'm 'going to be all weepy' at the airport and I say 'probably' - that is a mother's prerogative! As our family scatters a little farther, it's nice to know we can keep in touch with our blogs. A big "Thank You" to Michelle for getting us all started on this.


Frank Brown said...

Maybe the next time Jason comes home, he'll bring a cowgirl and a little rancheroo! That's the next step in parenting.

Michelle said...

it's official, my babies are never allowed to grow up and move away. i can hardly handle ellia turning 2, let alone 25!!!