Monday, March 13, 2006

Why isn't this bunny afraid of me???

I think Callie is wishing Kita were here - he'd know how to get this bunny to show some respect, and maybe a little fear! As it is, the bunny sniffs Callie's nose and then continues on with the business of eating grass.


Frank Brown said...

Kita says that he is up for the job, he's just wondering what that green stuff is.

John and Cathy Miller said...

Hi, Mailmans'! We, the Millers, are back in busines so to speak. We bought a new computer - hopefully, we won't be shutting down every five minutes. Sorry, that we haven't been able to come and visit - we really were going to. I've been enjoying your entries and I checked Jason's, too. Geez, I've been lucky just to squeeze in those 3 enties.