Today is probably one of the last Tuesdays that I will have Aaron until the Fall. We are getting busier with guests and reservations and last minute stuff. Here Aaron is having a big nap in "Margaret's bed". No more playpen for him - our babies are growing up Michelle!

Ellia's quite proud of wearing underpants, so it's actually a reverse-battle for us right now.. when *i* need her to wear a diaper (ie. to a store), it's a struggle to get her to agree and actaully wear a diaper. she also thinks that she doesn't need a diaper overnight, but, welll, she's mistaken!
she's getting better everyday, today she did really well getting to the potty on time, so hopefully we'll be down to just a diaper overnight soon.
Got a new washer just when I am about to come home eh? I will make sure to have lots of dirty clothes to test them out. Can't wait to get back to the Valley-O!
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