I know I've been kind of (very) slack on my blogging lately but we are into our busy season so most nights I have just enough energy to check out the family blogs before I hit the bed. Brenton's report card inspired me to get it on the blog - click on this pic to see his great marks! He passed grade 9 with Honors With Distinction. He sure puts Gary's and my report cards to shame when we were in grade 9! He and Gary are still working on the pond and it is looking great - hopefully we'll have some pics of that completed soon. Anyway, don't forget to check in on us now and again - I will try and get some pics up when I can.
Let us be the first to congratulate Brenton on his most excellent report card! Wow! You deserve a great summer vacation. Besides working for Mom and Dad - any plans?
To the proud parents - I was going to write you tonight because I am curious about how the patio is holding up. I expect you are really busy and that spot is getting a lot of traffic. Has the weather (or maybe your weather has been better than ours) kept guests away? I am waiting with anticipation the completion of the gold fish pond. Who had the inspiration? Will you be serving coffee at the table?
One more question before I let you go. (I feel tired myself thinking about how busy your days are!)
Would you say your brother Frank is beginning to "bare" a resemblance to David Suzuki? Long grey curly hair on top, on the sides and on the chin...large glasses...funky hat...?
Hey, nice to know you keep checking in on us and haven't given up on us! I passed your congrats on to B and he says "Thanks!" He doesn't have any big plans for the summer - do up the firewood here - he'll probably make in excess of $500.00 doing that, and he'll work on his graphic design stuff - he does some volunteer work at Upper Clements Park making signs and power point presentations.
Our patio is holding up great - we're really pleased with it. Can't wait to get the pond done so that whole area will look really nice. We probably should offer coffee and ice caps like a little bistro!
We have been really busy - reservations are good for both July & August. We have alot of really busy cleaning days this year with 5 to 7 cottages a number of days each month - ugh - those are killers, but then we have a few days with no cleanings so hopefully it will balance out.
I think you're right, Frank does 'bare' a resemblance to David Suzuki though I don't think we've seen David Suzuki's are bottom yet, have we?
Time to do and start my day - nice chatting with you!
Good marks Brenton! My marks were almost as good, if you X2'ed them.
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