Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sunny and warm in Germany!

Well yesterday was Tuesday, but no Aaron as he and family are in Germany for a few weeks. He's been gone for 2 1/2 weeks and, hopefully, will be back in about 2 weeks. This is a picture that his Papa sent us from Germany. On this particular day it was very warm - the rest of the pics show much cooler weather - winter coats and such.


Frank Brown said...

Wouldn't a pic of a grand baby from Calgary be nice?

C said...

ooooohhh, that first comment! Something a brother would say and get away with. Maybe...

Oh, he's so cute, biological or not! Sounds like you're counting the days until he returns!

I "C" that I'm logged in - in my other blog identity. I am working on this new one. Not ready to publish yet. After Christmas.

I am in the process of returning to my orginal name. I still have credit cards and banking to change. Tomorrow's project. I hope everything will be in place for the New Year!

Hope you got your update on Arch..


Jason said...

Hahaha babies from Calgary..... Maybe I could pull a Uncle Tim to get the baby naggint to stop.