This picture was taken out the window of our spare/Jason bedroom. There are 17 bunnies in this one shot! We seem to be getting overrun - anyone want a few for Easter?

This litle guy, who I've named Flopsy, is the only bunnie that we have with lop ears. His grandmother was a half lop (she had one ear up and one down) and his grandfather was a full lop. Funny thing is - his grandparents and mother were white with black and brown spots so he has his fathers coloring and mothers ear genes. Ain't genetics interesting?

We're not worried about the Easter Bunny coming - these guys, and a few more, hang out on our front door step all the time. Here they are enjoying the sun. Too bad we can't train them to not poop on the door step!

I looked after a couple of rabbits for a guy who went to south america once...these rabbits, I shit you not(pun intended)were house trained; they had free run of the house 24/7 and would always go back in their cage to poop. So maybe you could train them.
If Frank can start a church Gary, so should you..Tim Allen could be your god. "More Power!"
We had a house trained rabbit to growing up, good Ole Gus. He was the man, and he only pooped in his cage or Brenton's room. I think we kept the wrong guy......
those bunnies are too cute :)
I've been sitting back waiting...because I knew one day bunny poop was going to be an issue!
Ta Da! I love being right!
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