Friday, August 03, 2007

Congratulations Clementine - Twin Girls!

Yes, Grasshopper, Clementine finally had her babies. Twin girls born early Tuesday morning.

It's been a long wait, but very much worth it. Clementine, despite her rather nasty nature, has taken to motherhood very well and is doing all the right things with these two cuties. We've decided to name them 'Charlotte' and 'Nellie'. We're not sure who is who yet . . . Brenton is hoping to have better pictures soon. This working thing of his is taking up alot of his time and not leaving much time or energy for other things.


Michelle said...

aww, they are so cute!

Jason said...

One of them kind of looks like Gary. Hmmmmm.

Frank Brown said...

Will you be making goat cheese now?