Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gary's Arm up-date

As you can see, Gary's arm is healing quite well, though it is still not pretty. He says his career as an arm model is now out of the question! We still haven't heard any more about the dog, but now that things are slowing down for us, we should have some time to persue this.

Side view - there is quite a lump under the skin - you can see it a bit in the pic below. It makes me feel queasy to touch it - yuck!


Frank Brown said...

That is not a pretty picture.

C said...


If I were you, I would definitely sue over the loss of your arm modelling career.


Thanks for dropping by our Blogs and leaving a comment. We can always count on you!


Do you have a fool proof banana bread recipe? I could use one...

Frank Brown said...

I can see where the J-man gets his timely blog updates from!