Monday, January 28, 2008

Another winter adventure

Yesterday we went on another little winter adventure - this one to Mickey Hill Pocket Wilderness. It was really cold, but we bundled up and had a great little hike. Here Gary seems to be contemplating the meaning of life.

Frosty water!

A winter postcard - the bridge at the end is the old #8 highway.

Brenton getting that perfect shot.

Gary hamming it up again using some 'old mans beard' that he found.

Ma and Pa Kettle enjoying the winter walk.

A really nice bridge over the water - at least its not 250 steps down!

A neat suspension bridge - we were a little nervous walking on this. It had quite a snow load on it and was making some loud creaking noises. Here Gary reassures me it's O.K.??

Today we woke to freezing rain and snow - school cancellations and terrible road conditions. It's exam week here, so now the exam schedule is screwed up. Hopefully things will improve by Wednesday when we are scheduled to take the non-biological grandbabies and parents to the airport for their trip to Germany.


Frank Brown said...

Really cold???? your water is still a fluid.

Jason said...

Exactly, it's so cold here my antifreeze is frozen solid and have technically had a hernia for 2 days.

Melinda and Timothy Brown said...

-48 this morning at 11 am, our AIR is a solid at this point.
Pocket wilderness? where is this?
All these neat places I never heard of.