I've been a little slack on updating my blog - due to winter blahs perhaps? Anyway, we've had snow, more snow, then rain, and more rain, etc., etc. Below are some pics of Upper Clements Park (next door to us). The rain has caused a lot of flooding there. Looking a this picture with the ice in the lake, its difficult to imagine it as the busy summer attraction that it is.

One of the flooded path ways - way too deep to cross! The wooden structure to the left is the roller coaster.

Shanty Cove is pretty much flooded as well. I hope Captain Kid Ryerson found a place to stay for the winter! Golf Island (mini golf) is behind Shanty Cove and is completely covered in water.

Gary is always complaining that I alway put pictures of him on the blog and none of me (my blog so I get to choose - right?) Anyway, he took this pic of me - notice the headset. My friend Karen and I spend about 4 to 5 hours a week on our treadmills while we talk to each other to pass the time. It's been too cold/wet/slippery to walk outside, so the treadmill is a great option at this time of year.