One of the flooded path ways - way too deep to cross! The wooden structure to the left is the roller coaster.

Shanty Cove is pretty much flooded as well. I hope Captain Kid Ryerson found a place to stay for the winter! Golf Island (mini golf) is behind Shanty Cove and is completely covered in water.

Gary is always complaining that I alway put pictures of him on the blog and none of me (my blog so I get to choose - right?) Anyway, he took this pic of me - notice the headset. My friend Karen and I spend about 4 to 5 hours a week on our treadmills while we talk to each other to pass the time. It's been too cold/wet/slippery to walk outside, so the treadmill is a great option at this time of year.
OPEN WATER???!! I'll be right there.
It looks more like a maternity ward for BUGS!
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