Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New Year's up-date . . . Finally!

It's been awhile since I last posted - where does the time go? Somehow we always seem to keep busy, even in the off-season! We've joined the gym in Cornwallis and try to get there 4 or 5 times a week so that's the morning shot 4 or 5 times a week - oh well, we're enjoying it and, hopefully, are doing our bodies a little good.

Hot off the camera (the wonderful camera given to us by Jason for Christmas!) Aaron came for the afternoon - on the school bus which is a real treat for him as he is usually a walker. Kere he is enjoying 'Bob the Builder'. He says he 'likes everything' about school.

Last week was Luca's turn to come over for the afternoon while Momma and Aaron went to the dentist. What a cutie - can't believe he'll be 3 in April.

Gary's been doing a lot of this - is this winter worse than usual, or is it just me? It seems we have snow, wind, more snow, more horrendous wind and so on . . .

On New Year's day we opened the door to find 2 ft of snow up against it and the poor wreath encased in snow.

New Year's Day - Happy New Year's, right?


C said...

The snow looks lovely! Like Winter should look!

I see you are getting your membership's worth at the gym. Any pay off yet? The OLDER you get the harder it is to see results. Very depressing...But exercise is good for depression. Go figure. Catch 22 perhaps...

Anonymous said...

