We have a new added attraction this year - the 8:30 p.m. feeding of Sprocket. It has become a favorite with the kids. Here's a new batch from last night - a group of folk who have adopted little girls from China - they are so cute! Some nights we have about 15 kids and Sprocket eats fast - so it's about 2 sucks per child! It's a great photo op for parents and will probably make the kids want to come back next year, eh? And of course the bunnies are a hit as usual and we have more than ever!
We need some help identifying the bird in the following photos. We were eating lunch yesterday and Gary noticed it on the clothesline - a strange, big, bird. Of course, his first thought was, "I wonder what kind of bird it is?" and then, "I must get the camera!". My first thought was, "I hope it doesn't crap on my sheet!!!" So, I guess that makes me the practical one - yesterday was a 42 sheet day, so I guess that's allowed. Anyway, thought that maybe Joseph or Frank may have any idea of what this bird is . . .
It is an immature Double-crested Cormorant. You also have Great Cormorants out your way (we don't), but they are larger and slightly differently coloured.
Thanks for the identification, Joseph!
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