Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The NBGB's arrived safetly!

A happy reunion with Aaron and 'Teddy'. This is the only pic we got with all the excitement and hugging at the airport. After a visit with the NBGB's I'm sure I'll have more to post. Aaron will need some english lessons as, naturally, he's been speaking German only for the last 4 months. On the drive home he would tell his Mama something and she would say, 'Aaron wants me to tell you' this or that. He knew I couldn't understand him. I'm sure he will have his excellent English back in a week or two.


Melinda and Timothy Brown said...

you must be living right, sis,you look great! (tim)

Michelle said...

aunt margaret, thanks so much for saying those things about nanny brown, you have no idea how happy it makes me to think that i'm even a bit like her. i had no idea that she was such a handy woman! i've always felt such a strong connection to her, i miss her so much :(

Frank Brown said...

Jason should be working on BGB's right now, while you are young enough to chase them around.