What does a mother do on her child's birthday? After wishing him a 'Happy Birthday' and doing the gift thing, that is. Well, you reminisce about the birth and about the pregnancy - or at least that's what I do. So, here goes with a little reminiscing. When I found out I was pregnant with Jason, I was thrilled!!! As some of you may remember, I had trouble getting pregnant and had many test to find out why - to no avail. Sometimes, they told us, there is no reason that they can see and some women just never get pregnant. So you can imagine how thrilled, and surprised, I was when I found out - I thought I had the flu! I had a pleasant and uneventul pregnancy up to about my 6th month when I found out I was a gestational diabetic. No problem for me, but there could be problems for the baby so I had to go in the hospital and learn how to give myself insulin shots. Fun! Let me tell you, sticking a needle in an orange is not the same as sticking it in your own flesh - that is how they teach you to give yourself a needle! Anyway, I learned to do it and I was induced on my due date, as they do with gestational diabetics. Oh, only after an amniocentisis to make sure the baby's lungs were fully developed. So I entered the Grace Maternity Hospital on April 6th for induction. My stubborn baby hung on, through induction on April 6th, and 7th, and wasn't born until 7:32 p.m on Wednesday, April 8th! A beautiful baby boy weighing 7lbs 1 oz. with a full head of black hair - he was gorgeous! Of course, Mom, was right outside the delivery room and got to see her newest grandchild right away. The sad thing was that Dad had passed away 2 months before Jason was born and he never got to see him. This much wanted, much anticipated baby boy was certainly a joy for the whole family - especially after the sad time that we had gone though with Dad's sickness and death. So again, Jay - we wish you a very 'Happy Birthday' with much love from Mom, Gary, and Brenton!