So, here is young Frank and Margaret at about the same age as Kaeden and Ellia. Notice how Kaeden and GPF both have the same arm around the neck of their sisters. I thought these pics were cute as they are so close to the same pose and close to the same age.

Happy birthday Gary. What's your secret to looking young? Don't tell me it's the veggies.
Happy birthday Gary!
Sis, that is really cool. I wonder, Joe and Michelle, similar age and pose photo out there?
that would be neat. to see all three side by side.
hmmm, i might have one of me and joe... but i'd have to dig for it.. i seem to remember one of us in front of a tire swing in NS, and joe had his arm around my neck like that too. we were probably a bit younger than you and dad and my kids, maybe 3 and 4ish? i'll look this weekend, and post it if i find it :)
found it! and posting...
you should be hoping for another girl.. there just may be a certain "M" name in her middle name... !!
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