This is what we woke up to yesterday morning - a little snow and everything coated in ice and school cancelled. I'm glad we didn't have anywhere that we had to be so we didn't have to try and scrape this crap off the car windows! Is this what everyday is for you Tim? If so, YUCK!

Even the blades of grass were each coated in ice.

Can you believe that this is about 8:30 this morning? Snow gone (thanks to the pouring rain last evening), sunny and quite warm.

About 3:00 this afternoon we had 5 deer below cottage #3. I tried to get around the cottage to get a better shot from the other side and when I peeked out, they were
Nice deer blind, although it might be pointed at your guests, just "friendly" fire for Mike. 2cm's of snow here today.
P.S. No blog from J lately. Maybe he is working hard on making BGBs?
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