See, Sandy turned away again! The bunnies and ducks are enjoying some greens from Papa Gary.

So, wrong order here. This barn 'after' picture should, of course, be after the 'before'. Oh, well. . .Gary, Brenton and I spent Friday and Saturday painting the little barn. If you look below at the 'Before' I think everyone will agree that it looks much cuter now! Brenton is now building a 'cupola' for the top of the barn - the finishing touch. Pictures to follow when that is complete. This is exam week (remember those?) so it may be awhile.

The 'before' - dull and boring!

The barn looks much better! All barns should be RED. N'est pas?
Margaret, the colourful chairs were all Frank's idea, from purchase to painting! Wish I could take the credit, but no...
The deviled eggs which I did not get a chance to show were the BEST...made by Cindy...they really did do it "up right" and I've told them they can come back for supper anytime as long as they bring supper with them! As for delivery to Upper Clements. No go...sorry...
What was wrong with white?
i agree all barns should be red.
oughta be a law.
true that, uncle tim!
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