Yesterday (April 8th) was Jason's 25th birthday - Happy Birthday again Jay! Thinking about his birthday got me looking through some photos of him and reminiscing about when he was younger and I came upon this pic of his 9th birthday - probably one of his favorites because we left for Florida on his birthday. Quite a birthday present! Anyway, as Jason turns 25 I look ahead about a month and oh, what do I see - me turning the big 50 - yuck! This is the year Gary (April 27) and I turn 50 - or as Gary says, we'll be 100 years old together! So we'll be 50, Jason is 25, and Brenton is 15 - all nice, easy numbers for us oldies to remember! Anyway, again Jay - Happy Birthday and hope you got your icecream cake!
50 isn't old, 51 is!
Hmm, is that an ice cream cake? Just joking, thanks for everything Mom, you will definately be on my list for favourite Mom ever.
You've given me an idea. Next Blog maybe. It really makes you take time and look back when you realize that 25 years have gone by! Jason made it to adulthood and Brenton is working on it! Rob is still twelve. And doesn't plan on getting older. Don't let the gray hair fool you, he says.
Update on the furniture...Today was SUPPOSED to be delivery day, however, we got a call this morning - the furniture will be delivered tomorrow. In the meantime, the living room is empty! I guess I can watch A. Idol in the bedroom. Chances are, tho' that I'll fall asleep before it's over.
Apparently, there is no end to the microwaves we could buy. Tim doesn't like them. So he continues to crawl under our bed, when I heat up my coffee.
Pepper is a cutie. He is also known as Poppycock, Paprika, Fuzz-face and others. I call Barishnikoff because he can certainly prance lightly and with flair. He has the most magnificent leg extention I have ever seen. Makes have a whizz an art form.
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