Saturday, April 22, 2006

Luca comes home from the hospital

Luca and Mama got out of the hospital this afternoon - about 36 hours after his birth. They arrived at our house to pick Aaron up so we took advantage of the opportunity to take a picture for our blog, of course! As you can see, everyone is happy - especially Aaron and Papa Manfred! Silvia is doing really well - considering she had a c-section. I can't believe how tiny Luca is - he makes this infant car seat look huge. Gary and I are not dressed up just for Luca's homecoming - we are off to a fundraiser dinner for the Historic Gardens in Annapolis Royal.


Michelle said...

isn't it crazy that they start off so small, but grow so quick? he's gonna be so big in just a few weeks!

John and Cathy Miller said...

Wow, "non-biological Grandparents" again! Congratulations, to all!

The sectional couch was really worth it! I recommend it highly.

Frank Brown said...

That's a great looking extended family.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.