We decided to put down new flooring in the downstairs bathroom so here I am removing the baseboards and I took the old cushion floor up. Suppose to be a simple project. Rip up the cushion floor and put down some nice laminate. However, nothing is that simple. Once Gary had the toilet taken out a thought occurred to me . . . what a great time to paint the walls! and the vanity! So, here is the before . . .

Here is the after. We love the lamiate flooring - it looks so posh! I love the vanity painted white - makes the bathroom look brighter. Also, we had to get new hardware in polished nickel. I still have to paint the window and trim. Notice the cat window and 'step' for them to get in and out. That can be a little disconcerting - sitting on the toilet and a cat comes flying through the window!

Gary got this new basket thingy for his tractor - Aaron thinks it is just great for having a ride in!