Born at approximately 4:30 a.m. this morning, twin girls! Proud mama is Clementine and proud papa is Riley. The babies are doing fine and weigh about 3 lbs each. Gary had a 'feeling' that Clementine would give birth last night, so about 4:30 a.m. he went out to the barn to check and one baby had already been born. He came in to wake me up and tell me and by the time he got back out, the second baby was born. We helped clean them up - hey, we can sleep anytime, right? They are too cute and we don't have any names yet. It's amazing how fast they get up and move around. Here they are:
Baby 1

Baby 2 and Mama

Baby 2 and Mama again.

Someone's hungry!

They are really too cute!
so cute!
I guess that they'll have to do untill you get some BGBs
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